Publications (incl. preprints) in reverse chronological order. Additional bibliographic data can be found on Google Scholar , preprint versions of most of the articles are available on arXiv .
2024 Geometric Deep Learning as an Enabler for Data Consistency and Interoperability in Manufacturing
SSRN:4871779 , 2024
@article { Brea24 ,
author = {Bründl, Patrick and Scheffler, Benedikt and Straub, Christopher and Nguyen, Huong Giang and Stoidner, Micha and Franke, Jörg} ,
title = {Geometric Deep Learning as an Enabler for Data Consistency and Interoperability in Manufacturing} ,
journal = {SSRN:4871779} ,
fjournal = {SSRN:4871779} ,
year = {2024} ,
eprint = {4871779} ,
google_scholar_id = {_FxGoFyzp5QC} ,
doi = {10.2139/ssrn.4871779} ,
Quantitative phase mixing for Hamiltonians with trapping
arXiv:2405.17153 , 2024
@article { HaReScSt24 ,
author = {Hadžić, Mahir and Rein, Gerhard and Schrecker, Matthew and Straub, Christopher} ,
title = {Quantitative phase mixing for Hamiltonians with trapping} ,
journal = {arXiv:2405.17153} ,
fjournal = {arXiv:2405.17153} ,
year = {2024} ,
eprint = {2405.17153} ,
google_scholar_id = {WF5omc3nYNoC} ,
doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2405.17153} ,
Numerical experiments on stationary, oscillating, and damped spherical galaxy models
Christopher Straub
Phys. D: Nonlinear Phenom. , 2024
@article { St24-2 ,
author = {Straub, Christopher} ,
title = {Numerical experiments on stationary, oscillating, and damped spherical galaxy models} ,
journal = {Phys. D: Nonlinear Phenom.} ,
fjournal = {Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena} ,
volume = {470} ,
number = {A} ,
year = {2024} ,
pages = {134351} ,
google_scholar_id = {eQOLeE2rZwMC} ,
doi = {10.1016/j.physd.2024.134351} ,
EVStabilityNet: predicting the stability of star clusters in general relativity
Classical Quantum Gravity , 2024
A press release covering this article can be found here .
@article { StWo24 ,
author = {Straub, Christopher and Wolfschmidt, Sebastian} ,
title = {EVStabilityNet: predicting the stability of star clusters in general relativity} ,
journal = {Classical Quantum Gravity} ,
fjournal = {Classical and Quantum Gravity} ,
volume = {41} ,
number = {6} ,
year = {2024} ,
eid = {065002} ,
dimensions = {true} ,
google_scholar_id = {W7OEmFMy1HYC} ,
doi = {10.1088/1361-6382/ad228a} ,
Pulsating Galaxies
Christopher Straub
Doctoral thesis , 2024
@phdthesis { St24-1 ,
title = {Pulsating Galaxies} ,
school = {Universität Bayreuth} ,
author = {Straub, Christopher} ,
year = {2024} ,
type = {Doctoral thesis} ,
doi = {10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007639} ,
google_scholar_id = {YsMSGLbcyi4C} ,
2023 Damping versus oscillations for a gravitational Vlasov-Poisson system
arXiv:2301.07662 , 2023
@article { HaReScSt23 ,
author = {Hadžić, Mahir and Rein, Gerhard and Schrecker, Matthew and Straub, Christopher} ,
title = {Damping versus oscillations for a gravitational Vlasov-Poisson system} ,
journal = {arXiv:2301.07662} ,
fjournal = {arXiv:2301.07662} ,
year = {2023} ,
eprint = {2301.07662} ,
google_scholar_id = {Y0pCki6q_DkC} ,
doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2301.07662} ,
2022 A Birman-Schwinger principle in General Relativity: Linearly stable shells of collisionless matter surrounding a black hole
arXiv:2204.10620 , 2022
@article { GueReSt22 ,
author = {Günther, Sebastian and Rein, Gerhard and Straub, Christopher} ,
title = {A Birman-Schwinger principle in General Relativity: Linearly stable shells of collisionless matter surrounding a black hole} ,
journal = {arXiv:2204.10620} ,
fjournal = {arXiv:2204.10620} ,
year = {2022} ,
eprint = {2204.10620} ,
google_scholar_id = {Tyk-4Ss8FVUC} ,
doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2204.10620} ,
On the Existence of Linearly Oscillating Galaxies
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. , 2022
@article { HaReSt22 ,
author = {Hadžić, Mahir and Rein, Gerhard and Straub, Christopher} ,
title = {On the Existence of Linearly Oscillating Galaxies} ,
journal = {Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.} ,
fjournal = {Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis} ,
volume = {243} ,
year = {2022} ,
pages = {611--696} ,
dimensions = {true} ,
google_scholar_id = {qjMakFHDy7sC} ,
doi = {10.1007/s00205-021-01734-4} ,
2021 Collisionless Equilibria in General Relativity: Stable Configurations beyond the First Binding Energy Maximum
Astrophys. J. , 2021
@article { GueStRe21 ,
author = {Günther, Sebastian and Straub, Christopher and Rein, Gerhard} ,
title = {Collisionless Equilibria in General Relativity: Stable Configurations beyond the First Binding Energy Maximum} ,
journal = {Astrophys. J.} ,
fjournal = {The Astrophysical Journal} ,
volume = {918} ,
year = {2021} ,
eid = {48} ,
dimensions = {true} ,
google_scholar_id = {2osOgNQ5qMEC} ,
doi = {10.3847/1538-4357/ac0eef} ,
A numerical stability analysis for the Einstein–Vlasov system
Classical Quantum Gravity . Videos of some of the simulations can be
found here. , 2021
@article { Gue_ea21 ,
author = {Günther, Sebastian and Körner, Jacob and Lebeda, Timo and Pötzl, Bastian and Rein, Gerhard and Straub, Christopher and Weber, Jörg} ,
title = {A numerical stability analysis for the Einstein--Vlasov system} ,
journal = {Classical Quantum Gravity} ,
fjournal = {Classical and Quantum Gravity} ,
volume = {38} ,
number = {3} ,
year = {2021} ,
eid = {035003} ,
dimensions = {true} ,
google_scholar_id = {u-x6o8ySG0sC} ,
doi = {10.1088/1361-6382/abcbdf} ,
2020 On the transport operators arising from linearizing the Vlasov-Poisson or Einstein-Vlasov system about isotropic steady states
Kinet. Relat. Models , 2020
@article { ReSt20 ,
author = {Rein, Gerhard and Straub, Christopher} ,
title = {On the transport operators arising from linearizing the Vlasov-Poisson or Einstein-Vlasov system about isotropic steady states} ,
journal = {Kinet. Relat. Models} ,
fjournal = {Kinetic and Related Models} ,
volume = {13} ,
number = {5} ,
year = {2020} ,
pages = {933--949} ,
dimensions = {true} ,
google_scholar_id = {u5HHmVD_uO8C} ,
doi = {10.3934/krm.2020032} ,
2019 Stability of the King model – a coercivity-based approach
Christopher Straub
Master’s thesis , 2019
@phdthesis { St19 ,
title = {Stability of the King model -- a coercivity-based approach} ,
school = {Universität Bayreuth} ,
author = {Straub, Christopher} ,
year = {2019} ,
type = {Master's thesis} ,
doi = {10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005033} ,
google_scholar_id = {d1gkVwhDpl0C} ,